1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University E-learning

Prepare for remote learning

Here are some tips and tricks how to prepare for remote learning, including links to useful software.

1. Protect your devides and information

Whether it's mobile phones, tablets or computers, and whether you're connecting at a faculty, college or home, protect yourself and your data from the pitfalls of the internet. For more information how to protect your devices, read Protecting information article.

2. Get key software

Microsoft Office and Microsoft Teams is the main software for collaboration. As a student or staff you can get both for free!

  • Visit https://portal.office.com/account.
  • Log in with your CAS account. Note that your Microsoft username is PERSONAL_NUMBER@o365.cuni.cz (e.g. 12345678@o365.cuni.cz). You'll find your personal number on your identity card, ISIC or ITIC.
  • Click the "Install Office" button. The Microsoft Office software including Microsoft Teams will be installed. You can install this software on up to 5 devices for free with special educational license.
  • After installing, start Microsoft Office and login with CAS account. The license should be activated automatically.

3. Manage your bandwidth

The more devices and services you use, the more bandwidth you need. If you're having trouble when working or studying online and your connection fails, it's time to find out what's using your bandwidth and how to free it up.

  • Test your speed, e.g. use https://speedtest.cesnet.cz.
  • Check all the devices in your home and decide if they must be constantly connected to the internet. Maybe you can turn off the internet connection for your smart TV, smart speakers or other devices.
  • If your using wi-fi, move closer to the wireless router. This may improve your speed.
  • Mute your microphone in video meetings when you're not speaking.
  • If you need your webcam on during the video meeting, consider disabling HD video when you don't need it and the software allows you to choose the video quality. Maybe a standard video resolution will be enough for your purposes and this will save a lot from your bandwidth.
  • Close any app or web on your device you don't need during the video meeting.
  • Do large updates, uploads, or downloads at off-peak hours as they'll certainly go faster and won't interrupt your other work.
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